La mente, 2018

La Mente es una escultura gigante en forma de cerebro en el exterior con un estudio de producción musical en el interior. El exterior de La Mente tiene un efecto de tejido cerebral esculpido en la parte superior con los lados del edificio que contienen una variedad de escenas esculpidas con el tema de la concepción en todas sus formas.

The success of the previous year’s collective sculpting and painting effort (La Mama) was the catalyst for Misfits Unified to continue pursuing and exploring collective sculpting in our Collective Art model. In the same manner as the previous year, the Misfits Unified core team sculpted La Mente in the final months of 2018, in preparation for the 2019 collective painting festival, the core group of Misfits Unified came together to create a variety of separate, yet connected, scenes on the exterior of the sculpture. In addition to creating a monumental sculpture together, the separately sculpted scenes which form a part of expanded the scope for individual and team expression.

The beauty of working together in this fashion, and the resulting dynamism of the creative process inspired us to take Collective Art to the next level for the following year’s project where the Collective Art process was expanded to include a collective sculpting extravaganza in addition to the painting event.